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16. toukokuuta 2024
Euroopan johtava kaupallinen audio- ja radiotoimija Bauer Media Audio on tänään ilmoittanut, että Bauer Media Suomen toimitusjohtaja Sami Tenkanen ja Ruotsin Bauer Medialla lakimiehenä toimiva Bodil Ehlers on nimitetty Bauer Media Audion Ruotsin toimitusjohtajiksi.
Nimitys ei vaikuta Tenkasen nykyiseen rooliin, vaan hän jatkaa edelleen myös Bauer Media Suomen toimitusjohtajana.
Koko tiedote alla englanniksi.
Bauer Media Appoints Sami Tenkanen and Bodil Ehlers as Co-CEOs for Sweden
Bauer Media Audio, Europe’s leading digital commercial audio and radio operator has today announced that Bodil Ehlers and Sami Tenkanen have been appointed as the Co-CEOs and Managing Directors for Bauer Media Audio Sweden.
Sami Tenkanen will lead the Swedish business in collaboration with Bodil Ehlers – to now the Legal Counsel for Bauer Media Audio Sweden. He will also retain his position as CEO of Bauer Media Audio Finland, splitting his time between Helsinki and Stockholm.
Sami Tenkanen joined Bauer Media Audio Finland in 2017 as CEO, after a distinguished career in radio with highlights hosting the morning show on Radio NRJ and working as a Director for Nelonen Media.
Bodil joined Bauer Media Audio Sweden in 2022 as the business’s legal counsel – leading on all legal matters, and sitting as part of its extended management team. She holds more than 20 years of experience in the legal sector, working at organisations including Westerberg & Partners, Sotheby’s and Kastell Advokatbyrå where she was CEO.
Through the combination of experiences brought to the table by Bodil and Sami, Bauer Media Audio Sweden will be empowered with a leadership structure fit to drive the business forward to its next stage of digital development.
Speaking on the news, Vivian Mohr, President, Bauer Media Audio said:
“Through these appointments, we are able to provide the Swedish business with a diverse range of experiences, necessary for driving the business forward to its next stage of development.
With Bodil bringing her world class insights on licensing and measurement, and internal change and culture, and Sami providing entrepreneurial insights and leadership on content, commercial, and distribution, Bauer Media Audio Sweden will be empowered to continue creating impactful, innovative outcomes for its commercial partners and listeners alike”.
Bodil Ehlers, Co-CEO and Managing Director, Bauer Media Audio Sweden said:
“I am honoured to have been appointed as co-CEO and Managing Director of Bauer Media Audio Sweden, and look forward to working alongside Sami to lead and collaborate with teams within the business as it continues its transformation and evolution in a world of audio”.
Sami Tenkanen, Co-CEO and Managing Director, Bauer Media Audio Sweden added:
“The Swedish Radio and Audio market is going through an exciting time, and we’ve seen lots of innovation take place across content, podcasts, digital and more. I look forward to working alongside Bodil leading the business, providing insights and bringing with me some successes that we’ve seen in the Finnish market to the benefit of listeners and commercial partners.”
Press contact:
Cat Martin
Communications Director, Bauer Media Audio
M: +44 7932 746363